Read Dutch

Speak Dutch better, that's what you want! How can you work on this if you don't have that much contact with Dutch people? You need to know many words, know in what form you use these words and how to form good sentences. But you also need to know which words to use in which situation. Reading can passively help you learn more about this.

Do you want to read better Dutch and eventually speak Dutch better? Then TARTON can help you.
Reading books
• Visit the library
Every Dutch library has a special section where reading books are available for people who learn Dutch. Here you will find reading books from language level CEFR A1 to CEFR B2. Ask an employee to help you choose the right NT2 reading books for you.

• Reading books for non-native speakers
The publishing house Eenvoudig Communiceren offers NT2 reading books from language level CEFR A1 to CEFR B1. For a small price you can buy nice books about different themes. Set the search filters to your wishes and make your choice.

• Advertising brochures and free local papers
Every week you receive free advertising brochures and free local papers in your mailbox. You can use the advertising brochures to learn new words. Pieces of text in the free local papers can be used as reading text if your language level is a bit further.

Dictionaries Everyone uses Google Translate when learning or using a new language. But everyone also knows that this does not always lead to the desired or correct result. Which dictionaries can help you to improve your Dutch?

• The Interglot dictionary can help you look up a translation from Dutch and into Dutch. You will also receive information about the part of speech and the conjugations.

• The Van Dale pocket dictionary 'Nederlands als tweede taal' is a Dutch-Dutch dictionary. Here you will find the meaning of a Dutch word in Dutch. This way you learn new words even faster and better. This is also the only dictionary that is allowed to use for NT2 exams!